Misato Oka



  Nignt of Peace/Peace of Night

   Whenever something big breaks out on the globe, the news is circulaed in detail by television.
   Some time a little after 1:00 a.m, state owned television starts showing a silent night view from the
  site with nobody around. The teleprompter message crawling across the screen says, "If there are any
  new advances we will report."
   At this hour, when people usually shut the TV and go to bed , I am frozen to the monitor.
   A rubble heap with stars in the sky.
   A phoenix nods in the wind over the desert.
   The dictator's palace stands bathed in beautiful light.
   The scene on TV is so peaceful, it is almost unimaginable to think that the deaths of so many took
  place just a few hours ago.
   I know it's not correct to think that a night's sleep is equal to the experience of peace, yet I do feel
  some sort of relief that the night falls equally in order over all of the eath.There is an illusion that when
  we close our eyes our minds will connect together, and we are deluded to think that we see the same
   Night of Peace/Peace of Night is about the world which appears only when we close our eyes.


  Misato Oka
  1974 Tokyo Japan

  Education & Experience
  1996 Women's University of Fine Art, Kanagawa, Japan
  1997 Tama Art University Graduate School

  Solo Exhibitions:
  1998 Interior Interior Harajuku Gallery, Tokyo
  1999 Dorama Life Harajuku Gallery, Tokyo
  2000 Lost passion walking around Tokyo Gallery Iseyoshi, Tokyo
  2001 Something like that, fake, Longing? Gallery Jin, Tokyo
      Kotowaza Gallery Iseyoshi, Tokyo
  2002 counting lost T.L.A.P, Tokyo

  1996 Prints 21 Exhibition Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo
      URBANART#5 Parco Gallery, Tokyo
  1997 Krakow・International・Print Biennale Poland
       URBANART#6 Paper Parco Gallery, Tokyo
  1998 URBANART#7 Parco Gallery, Tokyo
  2000 URBANART MEMORIAL ART Parco Gallery, Tokyo

  2000 Canon Expo 2000@Tokyo [ Art Talk show] Sinagawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo
  2002 Marunouchi Building Opening Event, LOVE FLAG, Tokyo


  MISATO OKA is an multimedia artist whose work combines graphic design, computer art, popuoar media
  and video. Her venues are often large scale public places and art competitions where she has received
  frequent prizes. The narrative element of her work is poetry. She exhibits in Japan and occasionally
  abroad, this is her first exhibition in the U.S.